Spanish, English and Catalan Language Training
In a world that is more and more connected and communicated, speaking only one language can be a drawback.
Speaking more than one language has twofold advantages:
On the one hand, it improves our cognitive abilities, it allows us to "open our minds" to other forms of expression and other forms of seeing and communicating the world, which also helps us to relativize and improve our mother tongue knowledge.
On the other hand, it opens us to the world and to societies, allowing us to communicate with other cultures, with people from many different places.
English has become the international language of our time, a lingua franca that operates in most communication fields: science, culture, business... The ability to communicate in English is nowadays required for cultural and professional development.
Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world, it is the language learnt by English-speakers to embrace new communication spaces. It is the language of Spain and of most Latin America and it gives the international culture a "latin" air.
Catalan is the language of Catalonia, revitalised during the end of the 20th century, it establishes cultural bonds within the growing Catalan-speaking community and has become a cohesive element in the Catalan culture, education and institutions.
Language learning is a relevant process for anyone with cultural or professional interests.
Training in English, Spanish and Catalan as foreign languages takes into account the following elements:
-language competence
-grammar knowledge
-communication skills
-cultural aspects
-language applied to different fields
-communicative and participative method
Contact here if you want to receive training in Spanish, Catalan or English.